M-2500 Automatic Hot Melt Glue Line

M-2500 Automatic Hot Melt Glue Line

The preparation of mattress layers is a critical aspect of mattress production and overall mattress quality. While the use of solvent-based glue for preparing the foam and felting was once common, the trend has shifted towards hotmelt systems in recent years. The United Mert Makina M-2500 Automatic Hotmelt Glue Line is designed to provide a solution to this changing trend. It reduces the number of personnel required and minimizes the amount of raw materials used in daily production, while also increasing productivity. The M-2500 utilizes melt glue, which is odorless and enhances worker health and hygiene in the production of mattresses.
  • Product Information
  • Technical Details
  • Specialities
  • Pictures
  • Machine Video
  • Automating Sizing: It is possible to automatic dimensioning in every size of mattress by encoder and sensors.
  • Touch Panel Screen: Glue line is controlled with touch panel screen as unconnected of line.
  • Glue Bridges: There are 2 types of glue bridges. One of them is applied corner and center glue on foam and felt sides with high speed and desired amount by automatically dimensioning, the other one is applied glue with 4 nozzles from the center on felted mattress.
  • Automatic Pressing System: After Glue Bridge, the mattress goes to the press when the mattress is bonding with felt, foam and quilted panel together. The pressing system is applied to press by pneumatic system in press unit. So this provides better adhesion to felt. Therefore it doesn't require any manual operation.
  • Gluing Unit: Robotech / Nordson is used gluing unit system.
  • Special Design Conveyor System with Silicon: There is silicon belt in glue bridges to contamination of glue and prevents sticking glue.
  • Edge Gluing; Corner and center Glue application system on foam and felt sides with high speed and desired amount.
  • Mattress Flipping Conveyor: There is one flipping conveyer for the turn mattress. Flipper turns mattress with pneumatic system. Workers will turn mattress automatically with button when they finished one side.
Advantages 1 Saving from employers
Advantages 2 Quality and tidy mattress production with automatic pressing
Advantages 3 Saving time and keep clean mattress
Advantages 4 Reduce workforce due to automatic system
Advantages 5 Healthy glue material usage - Hot Melt Glue
Advantages 6 rovides high -output with minimum trainging time
Conveyor System Antistatic PVC belt in conveyer which good for electrostatic from Unibelt (Italy)
Defination M-2500 Automatic Hot Melt Glue Line
High Speed: Conveyor Press and bridges speed is 30 mt/min